Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University is a prominent educational, scientific, engineering and cultural center in Western Ukraine region. As of today in our region, this is the only comprehensive technical education institution that provides training of specialists of all educational qualification levels. This includes doctors, doctors of philosophy and candidates of sciences, and spans across area that not only includes Ternopil, but also Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytsky and Rivne regions.
There are 4 faculties currently operating at the University: Faculty of Engineering of Machines, Structures and Technologies (FMT), Faculty of Applied Information Technologies and Electrical Engineering (FPT), Faculty of Computer Information Systems and Software Engineering (FIS), Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM). The 34 University departments carry out training of bachelors and masters in 24 programs and 19 majors. The annual licensed admission number of full-time students amounts to 3088 people.
University also incorporates such establishments as Technical Lyceum, Technical College, Husiatin College, and Zboriv College. This adds up to a total of approximately 5000 undergraduates, masters and PhD students who are all working towards higher-degree qualifications at the University.
Technical and structural asset base of Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University consists of 11 educational and research buildings with a total area of almost 60 thousand square meters. There are 6 dormitories, a number of gyms, student cafeterias and buffets, as well as rooms for creative development and art activities. Recently we also put into operation largest in the region sports and health, and social and cultural centers.
The University fully implements modern trends in higher education development, satisfies region’s need in highly qualified professionals, and acts as a center of science and culture.